The Portland Trailblazers will finally introduce Jamaal Magloire, the former All-Star center they acquired last week in a trade with the Milwaukee Bucks, the town will meet him at a 2:30 p.m. news conference at a Middle School in North Portland.
They front office will to continue prepare for the 2006-07 season,just,quietly. Many had speculated that this last aquisition, Magliore, would be quickly trussed up, perhaps as soon as he got here. in a nice bow, as a sweet package with that disgruntled Darius Miles, along with maybe a future draft pick! Packaged, in bright wrappings and beautiful ribbons and shipped, to someplace like the northern clims, to Minnesota, perhaps for Kevin Garnett! Maybe to that other team, that one off Times Square... east of there. But no, no big deal. No deal at all!
They say they will get back to us, ...if there is any further development. !OhBoy!
Have Pritchard and Patterson pulled the last string? Is the magic gone that pulled out seven trades in this off season, restructuring the foundation of this blazer team? Many had hoped for just ONE more deal. To be rid of the one cancer that would keep fresh the memory of last years malaise. Brian Skinner, the backup center shipped out has been saying some very nasty things aabout his former teammates. The lethargy that overcame the clubhouse. The melancholy of the walk through practices. This despite the unceasing efforts of Coach Nate McMillan, a.k.a. "Sarge" to his players.
Just one more trade. Maybe it could all go away! To only be brought up in the lore and prose all those ribald coffee shops and barstools of NW Portland.
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