Omigod. Turley hurt his back. Again! Wonder if he hurt it playing Denver or if it happened during his week off. If anyone hears please leave me a comment.
This is going to make the San Francisco game bigger, and more difficult. We have to start up the old OT merry-go-round again. Not Good. Will Svitek, you getting comfortable with this offense yet? We may have to depend on the defense to score a coupla' points this week. Heck, they can get it done. They probably will. I have faith. reports that:
On Turley, Coach Herm Edwards remains positive:
“He’s gone through a lot,” Edwards said. “He hasn’t missed a lot of days since he got here. He went through all of training camp for the most part. You can anticipate there’s going to be some stiffness at times with a guy like that after all he’s gone through.”
The official word is that Turley remains probable for Sunday's game. With all the whoopla gonna go down, the big expectations, the probable appearance of Trent Green on the sidelines will have the crowd pumped. Defense needs to keep it up ...for sure.
Jordan Black, who is best remembered as struggling as the left tackle last year will be the likely replacement. He just played recently at the right tackle spot against Cincinnati, he had problems with his assignments. Learning one side of the blocking schemes is tough, now having to learn both creates unreasonable expectations in this bloggers opinion.
You got to wonder who is out there for help with this offensive line. Uncalled free agents, or whomever! Veteran St Louis Ram OG Blaine Saipaia was just signed by the Detroit Lions this morning. They had to give up on a reciever with a million dollar guaranteed contract to clear space for him. They took Saipaia. You have to wonder just what are the possibilities. We need to look at Europe or our fine neighbors to the North! Something.
We wait. Svitek, many are sure will be a "competent" offensive tackle.
Coach Edwards remarks again:
“He’s got a lot of talent,” Edwards said. “He doesn’t have the experience of playing there as much as Jordan because he hasn’t lined up there enough. He was a defensive lineman when he got here. Experience is what he’s lacking.
“It’s kind of unfair to him because we’ve had him on the left and on the right, and that’s (difficult). He’s had to learn both of those positions. That’s his job, to be prepared to play either side.”
Coach, I can only say... I hope your hands arent being tied by management as regards the ability to recruit and sign players this time of the year. We have holes. I hope you have dropped a request in the sugggestion box. I'm sure you have. Please share your results, all us fans need to know.
Until then, short drop back passes will be the call of the day Sunday. I can only hope Larry Johnson still has an edge, after Denver. I pray that he is even still keeping it finely honed. Don't you imagine he may have to break an out of an extra tackle or two?
Meanwhile, we all, still keep prayin'!
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