He did agree to try to balance his budget for at least, this year. He has been trying to get arbitration, to redo his lease structure agreement at the Rose Garden. So, as it is, Paul needs to make more and more cash and very, very fast.
His latest ploy, announced recently is to remove the media from the benches on the sidecourt where they have announced the play for about the last 30 years. He needs to relocate them- further on up, away from the action on the court. Now, I can see how it may get tenuous for broadcasters in the future, to actually make a living describing the court action from an one eigth of a mile up one side of the building!!!
Oh well. Thats not his concern. He has decided to remove the media in order to open up new more attractive and more expensive seating package, behind the Blazer bench!
Oh ...I see!
-Horray for free enterprise!
-God bless Capitalism in America!
I imagine he'll wind up putting thosee seats out for bid, say, on E-bay the day of the game. Dont Ya think? Anyway, ...the latest hold up now seems to be just how to determine to split the exciting mass revenue from the said seats, with the Rose Garden Authority from whom he leases the building.
I have faith he will find a way!
He is a businessman.
Maybe now the Portland media will take it easy on P.A. -Ya' think?
no way, ...NOT!!
Let me know what you think leave me a comment:
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